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If your suffering from bad breath, also known as halitosis, there are numerous treatment options you can use. In addition, numerous prevention techniques should be used and employed to ensure your smile can remain safe from the effects of foul odors emanating from your mouth. Listed below are a few options at your disposal:

– Saliva flow is essential for preventing bad breath. Thus, always make sure you are eating crunchy foods high in water or chewing sugarless gum to help promote a clean mouth.

– Remember to take care of your tongue with a tongue scraper or toothbrush to eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath.

– Brushing and flossing on a daily basis have been shown to help prevent bad breath from rising.

– Routine visits with your dentist are essential for preventing bad breath.

– If you have dentures, it is important to always clean them thoroughly. This will help remove any bacteria or debris that can arise and contribute to bad breath.

– Numerous forms of therapeutic mouthwash can be used to help kill bacteria. Even cosmetic mouthwashes can help temporarily mask bad breath as well.

– Unhealthy habits such as smoking can immediately lead to bad breath symptoms.

If you would like to have a comprehensive exam for halitosis from our team at Grace Family Dental, simply schedule an appointment with Dr. Harjeet Mundra and the rest of our team by calling 5084257180. Our dentist office is conveniently located in Worcester, Massachusetts.