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Your teen’s smile is very important, especially because it helps them eat, talk and, you know, smile. It’s best if your teen has the best teeth and gums possible—not only because it will help them have a beautiful smile that boosts their confidence, but because it can help them have the top-notch oral health they need. To help you help your teeth have strong and healthy teeth and gums, our dentist, Dr. Harjeet Mundra , would like to share some teen smile facts. Those are:

  • Your teen’s teeth are very strong, but they can still be damaged in a variety of different ways. In fact, misaligned teeth, acid, bacteria, plaque and sugary, high-carbohydrate and highly acidic foods and drinks can all cause dental issues, like tooth decay, gum disease and enamel erosion.
  • Your teen should clean and care for their teeth and gums regularly. In fact, they should brush twice a day, floss once a day, rinse with mouthwash daily and visit our office for a routine dental checkup every six months.
  • If your teen has crooked teeth, it’s time to consider orthodontic treatment. Crooked teeth can harm the smile and oral health in more ways than you might realize. The teen years are a perfect time to align the teeth because the jawbone is still developing.
  • Oral piercings, tobacco use and eating disorders are all major dangers for the smile, so please discourage them as much as possible.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about teen smiles in Worcester, Massachusetts, please reach out to Grace Family Dental and talk to a member of our dental team. The more you know, the better, so please call 5084257180 now!